Friday, March 28, 2008

Global Warming and the End of the World

I'm sure that everyone is familiar with the impending Doom that has come upon us. Every day, it never fails that there is some sort of article/news item that references Global Warming. Today, there were links to two different stories on the Yahoo homepage that were related to Global Warming. The first was a story that talked about the top ten "surprising" results of Global Warming, which it now appears is being blamed for the increase in allergies--rather than lifestyle choices that cripple the human immune system--and animals moving to the hills? What? Let me quote the article; "Starting in the early 1900s, we've all had to look to slightly higher ground to spot our favorite chipmunks, mice and squirrels. Researchers found that many of these animals have moved to greater elevations, possibly due to changes in their habitat caused by global warming." . . .OK, I guess it isn't because of the increased presence of humans in their natural habitats.

The second article was about "Earth Day" which will take place tomorrow in an effort to increase awareness of Global Warming. How is this going to happen? 26 cities around the world are going to turn off the lights. . . on their tourist attractions. I guess that's cool, more power to them.

Human caused Global Warming has got to be the greatest scam in the history of the world. I don't deny that the Earth may be getting warmer, but first of all I don't think it is necessarily a bad thing, and I don't believe it is because Americans like to drive SUV's. See this article for logical scientific evidence that points out significant flaws in the human caused global warming theory and provides evidence for another reason entirely;

Also, Michael Chrichton's State of Fear, while a fictional story, brings up some very good points about climate change and is researched quite well. Plus, his books are always good.

Anyway, I've vented enough now, but I'll probably address this issue in the future as I encounter other fun articles that forecast the end of life as we know it.


Katya said...

K yeah, I think global warming is the biggest hyped up scam of the century. My favorite thing to do is mention global warming every time it snows really hard (and by the way, we got the most snow we've had since 1993 this year...yeah global warming...)

Vae Gannon said...

That's why many of the global warming alarmists are starting to shift to "climate change." There's too much conflicting evidence.