Tuesday, March 25, 2008

I'm from the mountains. . .and I'm lookin' for a wife?

I was talking to one of my friends the other day, and they mentioned to me that I need to change my approach to dating and women. You see--and this is probably the only time that I am going to explain this--Joseph can't talk to women without turning into a monkey who doesn't speak coherant language. It just doesn't work. So what does he do? Not much. So, my friend said to me that I need to change my approach and do what the first brother in Seven Brides for Seven Brothers does. Now I haven't seen that movie in a long time, but the essence of the idea is that the brother comes down out of the mountains and starts going through the town proposing to random women. I think this might be a close approximation of what he says: "Hi, I'm from up in the mountians and I'm looking for a wife. . . I won't be in town long." Maybe I'll watch the film again to see the more subtle nuances of his approach, because that's exactly my situation. I'm from the mountains! I'm from the last real wilderness in the United States! People don't call me "the Bear" for nothing. And I ain't going to be to town for long. . .hehe. I don't know that this is going to work on the local women; I don't think they're really that into "mountain" men. Though, as far as mountain men go I've got much to offer besides the thick beard that I grow to help keep my face warm in the bitter cold. I can sing, dance, play guitar (for those lonely winter nights, woot!), cook, whatever. . . I'm a cultured mountain man, and that's worth something, that's worth a lot.

Anyway, onto more important things. . . Today I was offered a job for the National Park Service. I am going to be rolling in the dough this summer--which is good because lately it has been rolling out. I can't even describe how happy this makes me. All I can say is boo-yah! Boo-yah (with a clenched fist and flexed arm muscles)! I'm going to be a carpenter/maintainance worker/mountain man for the trail crew of the Wrangell-St. Elias National Park and Preserve, the largest and most rugged of all the National Parks in North America. Meaning, I get on an ATV--with a shotgun in my hand and tools at my back--and travel through the rugged land and fix things for eight days, then I wrastle grizzly bears and other leisure activities for six days. Boo-yah! I get to party in paradise and make a lot of money at the same time.

I'm in the middle of class as I write this. I should probably be paying attention, but I don't really care that much. I've become much less devoted to school than I used to be in the past. It's pretty shameful. Oh well. After four straight years of the grindstone--five in total--and no end in sight, I'm not going to be too hard on myself. That's why Alaska will be so great for me; I've been gone so long. Alaska will restore my soul.

1 comment:

Ransom said...

Congratulations on your job! And good luck on your quest!