Monday, March 29, 2010


This is funny because it is true.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

I kind of miss having a fake tan. . .

I have survived, once again, one more Dancesport competition. Actually, that wasn't hard to do because I didn't dance anything. Well, that's a lie, technically I danced in a class competition; I mean, I was there in it. However, it wasn't something that I practiced for or anything. Anyway, since I am graduating, I chose not to compete in any serious manner for dance this semester. The result was actually quite interesting because this was the most low stress Dancesport that I've ever experienced. On the other hand, the atmosphere was still magical, and I kind of regret not dancing.

Instead, I did my service behind the scenes running the registration table in the tunnel of the Marriot Center.

The coolest thing that happened the whole weekend was when this REALLY SMOKIN' HOT Amateur Latin dancer from New York came up to my table. She was dressed in her costume, a slinky black dress with rhinestones and a kind of drapey/flowy thing. Anyway, she came up to me and told me she had forgotten to bring some fishnets. Now, why would she come ask me, a casually dressed male sitting at a table, about fishnets? I mean, she couldn't have even known that I was a dancer. So basically, she thought I was such a stud that she just had to find some way to talk to me.

I directed her to the OBVIOUS source of information, one of the two costume ladies that was patrolling the hallway. STUPID!!! Why didn't I get her number? Or something.

After that, she was my favorite dancer for the evening. Couple 636. I think her name is Evgenia, and she kind of had an accent, but not much. I DID kind of talk to her as she passed by later in the evening. And she warmed up right in front of my table. Yum. Did I mention that she was very attractive? Anyway, I got a couple pictures of her while I was snapping pictures of Amateur Latin, none of them are very good, but I'll post them anyway.

Ok, that wasn't really the highlight of my weekend. There were tons of other cool things that happened at Dancesport, but I've written about such things before.

Tuesday, March 02, 2010