Tuesday, March 11, 2008

An observation of Humanity and my resulting Ire

I was sitting by myself at a table in the Terrace (a segement of the food court in the Student Center of Brigham Young University) yesterday working on an application on my laptop, when I was joined by a small group of people. I didn't really think much of it, and for the most part ignored their converstaion. I little while later a girl, whom I know, walked by. She apparently, knew one of the other guys at the table. After a"Heyyyy," he stood up and gave her a big hug. They small talked for a minute or so and then she left and he sat down. I don't think she even noticed me, which isn't surprising; I don't draw attention to myself. I thought about talking to her, but I didn't. Once she was gone the guy she had been talking too turned to his friends at the table and said, "I hate that girl. She's really annoying. I'm only nice to her because I like her friend." My Blood began to boil. How shallow, how thoughtless, and how juvenile. I can't even come up with words descriptive enough to convey the contempt and anger that I began to feel at this point in time. For the whole rest of the day, and well into the night this event was in the back of my mind. The really sad thing is that I didn't say or do anything; I didn't even challenge him to a duel. I just sat at my computer and smoldered.

I don't know where I am going with this. . . I guess what I want to express is a desire for people to be better and more devoted friends, to be less shallow, and more forgiving of things that we consider flaws in other people. That is my moral thought for the good of humanity.

Thanks for listening.