Sunday, September 05, 2010

Horizon, Come Swiftly!

I am frothing at the mouth to get back to Provo, Utah. I am ready to see (and date) attractive women, and I am excited about the freedom that I will have now that I am no longer a slave to homework, classes, and other such ilk.

My goal for the rest of the year (starting once I return to Provo and get comfortably moved in to my new pad) is to live as a full time writer. As of right now, that means treating writing as a full time job. I'm not sure exactly how I shall pursue this, but essentially that means I'll have to hit a certain word count or time limit for writing every day. Right now I'm thinking at least four hours of writing and close to that amount of reading every day (Stephen King says that a good writer reads as much as he (gender neutral) writes, essentially). This will be hard, because I'm horribly lacking in self motivation. I'll have to make certain that I abide by a schedule and go somewhere to write where I won't be distracted by internet, etc. . . . It will be hard, but I look forward to it. I've had a couple writing projects riding on my back for quite some time now, and I look forward to finishing them. Don't be surprised if I put up a couple progress bars somewhere on my blog.

People, I am on my way.

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