Monday, September 13, 2010


This is just going to be a quick post because I am sitting in the airport waiting for the magical bus of the skies to take me back to Utah. I am excited for a few reasons: A) This is the advent of a potential writing career. Either I will succeed or fail, either way I get a small step closer to finding my niche in the world. B) I get to extend summer a little longer. Alaska has been cold and wet and I'm looking forward to some Utah sunshine. C) I thought I was done with ballroom dance. As mediocre as I was at this art form, I find that I miss it terribly. Perhaps I am still done, but at least now I'll be around people (girls) who won't mind breaking out into a random Cha-Cha with me. D) Girls should be reason number 1. In short, it has been a lonely summer. The End.

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