Thursday, January 29, 2009

Strange Sensations

I was in my English 343 (Modern Drama) class today, one of those classes where only a vocal minority participate in the discussion so the teacher is forced to ramble on for long periods of time, naturally I was falling asleep. Anyway, I was in that strange state of limbo--where you can listen to what is happening around you, but your mind is wandering in other directions--when the mental image in my mind, something to do with my guitar, exploded in my face. Like a balloon popping an inch in front of your nose, there was a shockwave and everything, both heard and felt. It jerked me back into alert consciousness with thoughts of potential disasters running through my mind, but so far no such disaster has manifested itself in my life (I was thinking of what Obi-Wan felt when Alderaan is blown up by the Death Star). Anyway, since I don't think (or feel) that it was a supernatural vision of impending doom (because the Earth is still here), there is only one logical explanation for what happened to me today. Somebody cast a spell on me--just a simple illusion or mind intrusion, but enough to convince me that there is probably a powerful warlock or sorceress hounding my tail. Today was just a simple test to gauge my own powers; a foolish gamble--now I am alerted to his or her presence.

I wonder if this is related to the hunted feeling that I had several weeks ago. I was shopping with my roommate at Costco, when I felt the strangest sensation of unrest, much like I imagine wild animals feel before an earthquake or during a solar eclipse; the sensation that something not quite tangible is dreadfully wrong. I wouldn't have been surprised in the least bit if Salt Lake had disappeared in a nuclear explosion. However, the feeling passed, and nothing dreadful ever happened. Maybe that was a result of a dark wizard as well. Who can say? The only thing that I do know, is that I'll be much more careful walking down dark alleys in the future.

Preparation is key.


Aye Spy said...

Ha, that's pretty funny. :)

Once when my brother and I were driving home from Utah, we got the strangest sensation that all the other cars were out to get us. Then we decided to stop listening to the Fugitive soundtrack.

Analei said...

Wow, bro. You're definitely unique and I love you for it. By the way, you spelled weirdness wrong.