Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Things I would change

The mind wanders to strange things out in the mountains, when the crisp cold air wakes you at night, and you lie awake listening to the sounds of the river, or birds singing to greet the dawn at 3am on the high tundra. . .

Me? I've spent a lot of time wondering about where I am at in life right now, and I must say that, for the most part, I am quite content with myself right now. But here are a few things that I wish I could change.

I wish I could have discovered Ballroom Dance while I was still in my teens. I would be light years ahead of myself right now, and would have a much, much better chance of making the BYU BDC Touring Team before I graduate from college.

I wish I had been more confident and aggressive in High School, mainly regarding the four years I spent playing basketball. . . I love basketball, and I had all the tools to be a good high school player, except for that athletic killer instinct. . . I wish I could have discovered it when I was much younger (and in better physical condition).

I wish I had known the secret of missionary work when I left on my mission, rather than when I was coming home. But it is so true. . . by the time you figure out missionary work, you are packing your bags.

I wish I was able to write like my sister. She can actually finish the stories that she starts, while I spend all my time in contemplation, wondering what the next line is going to be.

I wish I was more eloquent with the spoken word.

I wish I had bigger pectoral muscles.

I wish that I could recognize the ever so subtle signs of women, that I could distinguish between real flirtation and just being nice. On the same token, there are a few girls that I let slip through my fingers because I don't know how to initiate the dating process. . . that was dumb. . . I guess you just have to ask.

I wish I had TV right now so I could watch this season of SYTYCD.

Don't get the idea that I have a lot of regrets. I just have an awareness of how things could have been different, and maybe better. But you never know the paths that you might take in life, so, sometimes I wonder. . . especially when I lie awake at night, in the mountains.


Ransom said...

Speaking of SYTYCD, there's an AWESOME lindy hop on SYTYCD-Scandanavia recently.

Analei said...

Hey, just remember that the only reason I ever started writing was because of you. So you can take partial credit for everything I ever finish. Yeah, and until one of us is actually published, we are both in the same boat. Love ya!