Friday, June 20, 2008

True Colors

There was a very pretty little robin nesting outside the window of our cabin. It was very neat to watch her move in, check out the real estate, and then start her family. My family was very interested in her success and well being--though she kept a very watchful eye on us. However, a demon squirrel raided her nest after a couple weeks, and ate all her eggs. Now she is gone. . . heartbroken.

I've always liked squirrels before this, sure they can be annoying and loud, but I've found their chattering and capering about. . . cute? (Can I use that word?) Anyway, now I see them for what they are. . . thiefs and devils. I wish to hang one of those bushy little tails from the cabin window to show the robin that her children have been avenged.

1 comment:

Moon's Wolf said...

I am sorry to hear of your loss!!!I have a little birds nest that I am able to enjoy too. It is right above me when I step out my front door, if I jump up I can touch it, and it seems the chicks have just recently hatched because I can hear them chirping all the time now. I just hope that our constant going in and out of our house wont cause the mother to leave. It's such small things that really make life enjoyable.