Wednesday, July 30, 2008

blah, blah, blah

So, I've been a bit burnt out lately on ideas for my blog. I have a few things simmering at the back of my mind to write about, but they might end up being projects that require a little research, and I'm not ready to do that yet. If you have any ideas or suggestions on something I should write about, please let me know. I am very opinionated, so if you bring up a subject or attack my stances on something, I'm sure I'll have plenty to say.

On the same token, I'm not quite sure how many people are actually reading this blog; it seems to me that I am just whispering into the wind. So, if you are reading this blog, even occasionally, let me know (make a comment, shake my hand when you see me on the street, or just flatter my ego a bit--which you should do anyway).

Now onto a few random thoughts/rants.

Rain is bad. It's been raining waaaaaaaaaaaay too much for me this summer. This is slightly depressing, and certainly not the summer I wanted--especially since my work requires me to camp outside for eight days on end. Go away gray skies! I never even saw the sun last week. Come back global warming!

I am really coming to like 2Pac. If you don't know, he's a rapper from back when I was in high school. Supposedly he died, but miraculously his albums are still coming out. I don't know all the details, and I'm a bit too lazy too look them up right now. Anyway, he was way ahead of his time. Good stuff, if you're into that sort of thing.

Erm. . .

I should probably be working on my book right now. Peace!


Ransom said...

I read some of this, and thought of you: Not for Robots!

From the same author (whose book I have read, and I think you would like it... mail me for details) comes a blog of writing prompts.

Aye Spy said...

I'm reading. I liked hearing about how work's going this summer. What do you think about in those wet woods?

Glad the book's coming along. Keep at it!