Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Sick, sick society.

It's a bad sign when you can't even trust the members of your own family. Stuff like this-- http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20100125/od_nm/us_italy_stabbing --has been happening way too much. And it isn't just an American issue, as this article demonstrates. The pathetic thing is that this kid stabbed his dad over a VIDEO GAME, and not even a bad one like Grand Theft Auto. They were playing a soccer game, good clean fun, and the kid was getting out of control, so the dad turned it off. But what really makes this creepy is the way the kid washed the knife off in the sink afterwards. That's such a creepy and odd detail I would expect to find it in a Stephen King novel.

This kind of thing really, really makes me sad.

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