Sunday, January 03, 2010

Out with the Old, in with the New

Once again I am writing out of a sense of obligation. It's hard maintaining a blog. It takes a great deal of effort to find relevant things to say, and once you do, you have to fight off all the other things that take up time to actually write about them. But, this isn't an impossible task, and I could be doing better than I have been. Still, I guess in the big picture I am not doing so bad. There are a good many bloggers (yes you!) who blog less than I do. So there!

Anyway, I know it's kind of late to do an end-of-year/beginning-of-year blog. But that's what I am going to do.

In short last year ended on a high note. The reason for this was because I think I actually started figuring things out with ladies. (A surprise as much to me as it is to you). The crazy thing is that for the last month or two of the semester I actually had a plethora of girls in my dating pool which has never before been the case. (Because I have been clueless, doh!). There's nothing like a couple of solid dates to put a positive spin on things*. On top of this strange phenomenon, I passed all of my classes and aced all of my finals even though I am the laziest student in the world! So that made me happy too.

My break was good as well. I admit, that at times it was boring and I lacked things to do. But spending more time with my niece and four nephews made everything worth it (and I guess my siblings were fun too, kind of). Plus I went on a couple more hot dates. Holy crap! I am turning into a dating machine!

For the new year I hope to continue this trend. Things are looking a little sketchy as far as classes go--I have to rely on the mercy of a few teachers to get into the classes that I need, which is never that safe--but other than that I expect this to be an awesome semester. It will be my last, possibly.

Since graduation is looming so close, one thing I really need to work on is finishing my book. In a happy scenario, I would finish before the end of the semester, edit it through the summer, and submit if for publication towards the end of the year. Then, of course, I will get offered a big contract, I'll get paid a lot of money, I'll buy a house, and then I shall live in it as a successful writer. Naturally I shall continue to produce marvelous blatherings in various subjects and genres. In my career I hope to become successful in these genres: fantasy, sci-fi, normal fiction, historical fiction, western, narrative, drama/film, and in the words of a friend, "real." With all that dreaming out of the way, I have committed to work on writing more. I think I shall take my laptop to campus a lot more this semster so I can force myself to write. The last time I did this I cruised through 150 pages in one semester. Good luck.

To put it succinctly here are the three things I am working on for this year: Dating, Writing, School. I don't know if they are in order or not. Probably so.

*Lest you should get the wrong idea, I went on six dates this semester. A personal record (triple my previous semester record), but some people do that in a week.

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