Monday, March 02, 2009

To Find a Path in the Dark

Quick Story: When I came out of high school I was positive that I wanted to be an Engineer, like my father. I've always had an interest in the sciences etc. . . and I was sure that an engineering degree would capture my interest as well as put bread on the table. I first declared my major as a computer engineer, but after a mission I decided that I would rather do something else, so I changed to chemical engineering. Bad decision. I've always struggled with math. . . in short, I spent several hours a day trying to keep up with my 2 credit hour introductory chemical engineering class (even though I've taken all the math). It seriously was one of the worst semesters of my college career (I was also taking Hebrew at the time). It became pretty obvious, rather quickly, that I wasn't going to be happy as a chemical engineer. . . or any engineer for that matter. I then decided to do something that I was good at. . . I'm still not sure what that is, but I'm an English major now, and much happier. I like writing, reading is fun too; I guess I should have known from the beginning what path I should take. Too bad so much of life is spent just finding the pathways that will take us where we want to go, the ones that will bring us peace and happiness. On the other hand, some pathways are hard (frustrating) at the beginning, but at the end waits a big fat (allegorical) pot of gold. We just have to ask ourselves: is that really the "pot of gold" we're looking for?

The End


Katya said...

so true...I think it's so hard sometimes to figure out whether whatever crap you're going through at the beginning will eventually turn into something awesome or if it'll just be crap the whole way through. I'm glad you found something that makes you happy!

A.L.E. said...

I switched my major three times, music, english, psychology, back to english. Yeah, I think you just find something you like and go with it, ups and downs included! :-) Yeah for books!