Thursday, April 24, 2008

The End of Finals

Yes, that wonderful time in life is upon me once again; finals are over and I am done with this semester. That means that I am free--until September of this year--to become productive in my personal life. Meaning, that I can get a job--or in this case start working because I already have the job--start writing more consistently, begin that rock band that my brother is so excited about, sleep all day, play all day, lift weights, or generally do what I want.

There are a couple things that I am looking forward to during this summer vacation:
1) First of all, I'm going to be living at home this summer, so I am especially looking forward to my mom's most excellent cooking. I think I will be quite healthy this summer, because not only does she cook well, but she cooks balanced/healthy meals too. After three straight years of eating college student slop (ramen, pasta-roni, processed chicken) I am most definitely looking forward to some real home cooking.
2) I've mentioned already (in earlier posts) how much I am looking forward to seeing Alaska, the land that gets inside your blood and becomes a part of you, so I'm not really going to elaborate on this.
3) Writing. I think, with the eight on, six off, schedule that I am going to be working this summer, that I will possibly be able to finish a working rough draft of my epic novel. This wold be a breakthrough of momentous proportions, because the work has been struggling for the last four years.

Anyway, that's just a few reasons why this summer is going to be awesome. Here are a few things that I am going to miss:
1) Women. Where I am going, they ladies are few and far between. I live in the wilderness, and that isn't a natural habitat for women. I wish it were, if women lived in the wild, it would be much easier to catch one. . .sigh.
2) There isn't much in the way of dancing in Glennallen, Alaska. I feel fairly confident in saying that I am the most competent ballroom dancer within 150 miles of where I live--in any direction! I could probably say that I am the ONLY ballroom dancer within a 150 mile radius--with the exception of my darling sister who took her very first ballroom classes this year as a college freshman.
3) All my dancing friends, and roommates. I'm not an actively social person, but because of that, I'm going to miss the few opportunities that I do have to be with friends, even more. Let's face it, for the next four months I'm going to be talking to squirrels, rabbits, maybe predatory animals like bears, or possibly even to trees, in an effort to maintain the illusion of having friends close by. Except for my family, I imagine that I may get pretty lonely at times.

Hmmm, I can't really think of any other negatives about going home for the summer.

So, this is it. It's been a good school year; I'm smarter, faster, and a better dancer than I was a year ago. Shazzam!

1 comment:

Ransom said...

Remember to blog when you're in the wilderness!

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