Saturday, February 14, 2009

Valentines Day Blues

In commemoration of this happy day I've pulled some Oscar Wilde quotes off the net that I feel are somewhat appropriate. . . . Most of them seem to be about women. Sorry ladies, but it's not my fault Oscar Wilde had a lot of funny things to say about you.

~Never trust a woman who tells you her real age; a woman who tells you that would tell you anything.

~Women are meant to be loved, not understood.

~A woman will flirt with anyone in the world, so long as other women are looking on.

~If you really want to know what a woman means, which is dangerous, always look at her but never listen.

~A man can be happy with any woman, so long as he does not love her.

~The happiness of a married man depends on the people he has not married.

~The proper basis for a marriage is mutual misunderstanding.

Oscar Wilde was a genius!

FYI: It turns out that I buy pretty sweet Valentines gifts. Today I bought myself a digital camera! Sweet! Now I don't have to rely on other people and their uncharged cameras.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey now. I read that.