Wednesday, February 25, 2009


I have a headache. Fortunately, some of my best writing seems to be when my brain hurts. I guess the throbbing pain forces my mind into some semblance of productive activity--because all of the usual mind-numbing things become. . . less pleasant. Or, I guess it could be the 65mg of caffeine that comes in the Excedrin that I take to relieve the pain. Whatever the case, I tend to take refuge in writing when I feel as I do now.

Unfortunately, that is just what I am doing, taking refuge in writing. So don't expect any deep, well-thought-out blog posts right now. Not that I have done one of those in a while. . .

So, this has been my most productive blog month ever. Double digit posts this month, and it's February. I don't know what brought on this flurry of relatively unintelligent posts, but whatever, I feel like a real blogger now (not because of the un-intelligence, but because of the # of posts).

Cool story: I was in the Richards Building (BYU athletic facility) on Tuesday practicing my dancing. There were several upper-tier ballroom dancers, from BYU's tour team, who were also practicing. Anyway, they were running through their competition Latin routines and somebody decided to turn off the lights. Talk about mood lighting, especially with the pimpin' cha-cha that they were playing. I felt like I was in a scene from a movie. . . Kind of like Richard Gere and J-Lo dancing in a dark studio in Shall We Dance, but a billion times better, and sexier too, without clever film editing to make it look like real dancing. Ahhhhhhh. . . can I express how awesome dance is? Can I describe how cool it is watching the fast, precise movements of a really good Latin couple, when every move creates a perfect picture line? Is it possible to express how much more dramatic and exciting it is when all you can see is their silhouette? Can I paint the beauty of dance in words? Probably not.

Can I mention how beautiful ballroom women are (except for their feet which tend to be kind of gross and smelly:). . .can't have everything can we?)?

Oh, one more. Can I express how much like an infant I feel in the world of dance? Actually, yes I can. . . I feel like a grain of dust floating in a solar nebula, succumbing slowly, ever so slowly, to the increasing gravity of the proto-sun, where I will then be part of a 12 billion year nuclear reaction that will fuse all of the hydrogen atoms into helium, then helium into carbon, and so on, until all its fuel is spent and it becomes a white dwarf, which will eventually cool until it is a hunk of incredibly dense rock, slowly drifting in space. Yep, that's how I feel. Actually, that's pretty much what is happening anyway, according to scientific theory, so I guess that really isn't much of an allegory.

Will I ever master the use of , ; :?

My head still hurts.

1 comment:

Analei said...

My head hurts too, which would be why I am up past midnight commenting on your unintelligent blog posts. Dance to dense rock floating in space??? Your head must really hurt. Yet I have no room to talk. Did you read my blog?