Sunday, September 06, 2009

Star Trek

Hooray for the Dollar Theater!!! Now is the time where I catch up on all the cool movies that I missed while I was dwelling in a tent for the summer in the Arctic. First up was Star Trek.

Yes, I think I may be a closet trekkie. No, I don't dress up and act really weird all the time (though secretly I've always thought that would be really fun), but I have watched a good portion of the movies and the original TV series and I must say I do enjoy them. Anyway, I don't know that this whole preface was necessary, but here is one that is (it's from the Onion!)

Trekkies Bash New Star Trek Film As 'Fun, Watchable'

Now, for my official review. . . I don't know what else to say, the movie is fun and watchable. I think one of the appealing factors of the movie was that it really didn't take itself too seriously. There were lots of subtle jabs and over-characterizations that were aimed at the original series. For instance, Captain Kirk spends a great deal of time trying to find out Uhura's first name, which he never does. I don't think she ever even had a first name. . .

I would have liked a bit more character development, since this is the first time we're ever supposed to be meeting them, but that would have added an hour or so to the length of the film. It was also a bit of a stretch that the crew members were all assembled onto the Enterprise all at once. It pretty much comes down to the disaster and then all of the sudden everybody is there, on the Enterprise doing what they have always done.

And what the. . . Karl Urban (Eomer in LOTR) as Bones? He did a good job for the part but I never would have guessed though. Actually, I was very pleased with all of the young talent in this film. All of them were able to capture the essence of the original characters without becoming flat quite well.

Anyway, in short, good film. Just don't sit in the very front row. You might get a bit dizzy.


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