Saturday, August 01, 2009

Man vs. Nature

I just had a really odd Alaskan experience I thought I'd share.

So, the toilet in my cabin doesn't work. Luckily, there is a plethora of trees available as ready replacements for the crown jewel of indoor plumbing. Tonight as I found myself watering something of a willow variety I heard something bounding through the brush towards me. I looked up, expecting a frolicking bear cub (reported as nearby earlier in the day), and had several visions of how awkward it would be to be mauled by a mama bear while answering the call of nature. I quickly recognized that the source of the sound was nothing nearly as dangerous, it was only a baby rabbit about the size of a junior sized football. But it was running straight for me. The image imprinted on my mind was rather odd. The rabbit was running through a corridor trees that gave the same impression that one would have standing in the middle of a railroad track while watching a train approach. And apparently the rabbit was running on tracks too, because it it bounded towards me looking neither left nor right, not a care in the world. Just a rabbit out for his evening jog with the iPod blaring.

I kid you not, I could have soaked that little furball if I had wanted, he just about soaked himself, but I'm a kind soul and I let him pass. He pulled a u-turn around me and ran back into the woods. I don't think he ever recognized that I was anything but an odd looking tree.

I thought it was funny.

1 comment:

Analei said...

Poor little bunny. It almost got drenched with acid rain! It could have died!