Wednesday, March 18, 2009

DanceSport, Move-Ups, and Concert

Yay! DanceSport is over! I don't know what to do with my life now. My schedule is totally whacked because I don't have to practice all the time now--though I probably still should be. . . I guess now is the time for all the homework and stuff that I have been delaying for the last two months.

As far as DanceSport goes, I only got past the first round of events that I didn't practice for: Gold Bar Pasodoble, and Novice Standard. That's why I need to spend more time. . . not practicing? Anyway, I'm not going to lie, I was a bit disappointed with myself for DanceSport. In short, I'm a terrible performer and not that great of a dancer. I can do better, but only if I totally immerse myself into dance, which I'm not sure if I can do. I don't know if--at this point in my life--I can really spend four or five hours a day practicing dance; I have school to finish, books to write, and all that ridiculously mundane stuff that life requires. Curses! Why isn't there ballroom dance in Glennallen, Alaska (pop. 500)?

Now that I'm done lamenting/venting, I shall continue. Tomorrow is the first day of move-up auditions for team (at 6:30am!). I'm not really sure how much hope I have of getting moved to the back-up touring team. I think I had more of a chance last year. Now I'm getting a bit closer (theoretically) to graduating and I haven't really improved that much from a year ago.

On the brighter side, concert is coming, and it's going to be awesome. The word on the street hints that all the guys will get capes for the finale. Woot! That should be pretty cool.

So, I'm off. Tomorrow morning is going to come much too quickly.


Ransom said...

Capes is awesome! I hope you get them.

Katya said...

Good luck with move ups!
The latin team tour girls' costumes are pretty rad too...huge paso skirts :)

Analei said...

Good luck on your auditions! I know you'll do great. Love ya!

1-4-Freedom said...

Very beautiful girl! Who is she?

Vae Gannon said...

That's my dance partner, Claire :)