Saturday, March 28, 2009

Earth Day, Vampires, Orchestra

I didn't change my normal habits to sit around in the dark for "Earth Hour." I'm not opposed to conservation, and I certainly do my best to not live a wasteful lifestyle, but I think the "green" activists are getting a bit out of hand. I'm tired of the political nature of environmentalism. I would wager that the vast majority of "green" activists are people who have never set foot in the environment that they fight so hard to "protect." They don't really love nature; they love the money that it can bring them. I challenge them to prove me wrong.

Oh, my previous post, was a clip that I used for an English presentation on Bram Stoker's Dracula. Which, it turns out, is a really good book. In my research for this presentation, I discovered that vampires are actually real, and that many of them live in Los Angeles. This is according to the research of Stephen Kaplan. I recommend looking up what he has to say about vampires, it's very amusing.

For some reason I've been quite fascinated by orchestral music over the last couple days. The music is woven together in such an intricate way. . . I don't understand how somebody can create such complex harmonies. Here are the songs to which I have been listening that blow me away:

"At Wit's End"--From the Pirates of the Caribbean III soundtrack by Hans Zimmer.

"Across the Stars"--The love theme from Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones by John Williams. "Duel of the Fates" (from Episode I) is even better.

The Ending Theme from Final Fantasy 10 by Nobuo Uematsu is quite stunning as well, probably one of my favorite pieces of music, ever.

I highly recommend listening to these tracks in a dark room with a good pair of studio style earphones. Analyze how every piece of music fits together. . . it's so astounding. Can we really experience such beauty in mortality?

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