My sister pointed out, yesterday, that it's been six days since my last blog post. I don't know what she wants from me, but here I am bl-ah-gging, because I can't force myself to do more productive things (like study for that English 451 Literary Criticism test, which I am going to fail, tomorrow).
Yes, I said bl-ah-gging. Maybe I can shorten that to blah-gging
Basically my life over the last couple weeks has been very blah-esqu. Blah, blah, BLAH!!!
I suppose, if anybody even reads my blog (I can't tell because nobody COMMENTS anymore) that you would like more of an explanation. Here it is: Girls are frustrating. They make it so that I can't sleep or eat according to the course of normal, natural human function. Not only that, but they are confusing as well, giving you one message one day, and then the very next day they are sending very different--even opposite--signals. Nothing makes sense anymore.
Of course I tend to build things up in my mind much more than I should. Every little event seems to have drastic consequences for good or ill. Which is stupid. I'm being stupid and I know it. But I can't help it, and that is super frustrating.
Even worse: Valentines Day weekend = super sucky. And not just because I'm an emotionally constipated mess. This could have been an awesome weekend! There was a large group of my ballroom friends who went to California for a competition this weekend. And it was just one big fat party. I was invited along, multiple times, and I almost went before I remembered that I committed to dance (as a substitute) for a show on Saturday. Naturally, after everybody had left, the guy whom I was filling in for showed up on Friday and asked if he could have his spot back. Therefore, I was suddenly uncommitted from that, but too late for me to do anything about it; too late to change my plans.
Also, I was invited by a girl to Big Band Night, which sounded like an awesome party on Saturday night. It would have been awesome! But once again I thought I was committed to this dance show so I had to turn her down.
Basically I missed out on two super cool events because of this. I still went to the dance performance (as a van driver) and that kept me occupied for Saturday night, but that wasn't near enough to save this three day holiday weekend from being extreme BLAH!!!
I feel like I missed out on some pretty good opportunities. Instead I've been moping around my apartment trying to kill time. I've dabbled at watching the Olymics, pretended to do homework, played at playing guitar, and otherwise been completely unproductive.
Blah!!! I can't focus on anything, and haven't been able too for the last three weeks. Blah, Blah, Blah!!!
The End