Monday, September 12, 2011

For Those Who Were Lost

It's time for my first post of September.  And I think it will be appropriate if a take a moment to honor those who lost their lives ten years ago yesterday.  The11th of September, 2001 was a day seared into the memory of just about every American but myself.  At the time I was isolated in Alaska (preparing for an LDS mission), and my mom mentioned that she had heard something about it on the radio--without all the drastic video coverage of the event, the tragedy largely passed me by.  Since then I've seen a few photos, but that's about it.

It's strange to feel like the only person who doesn't have a 9/11 story to share.  Yesterday there was a trend on Facebook for everybody to post where they were and what they were doing when they heard the news.  I can't do that.  All I can do is mourn the victims and honor the heroes.  God bless them and their surviving kin.  And God bless America.


Aye Spy said...

I hesitate to correct you, since your post was heartfelt and I agree with your sentiments wholeheartedly. But the 9th of September, 2001, was a perfectly ordinary day that almost nobody remembers. September 11th was the day everything changed.

Your perspective is interesting--being isolated and mostly just hearing about it later. My brother was on his mission and had a much more isolated experience too.

Vae Gannon said...

Gah! See? I can't even get the dates right!

Thanks for pointing that out, I'll correct it:)