Tuesday, January 25, 2011


For the first time since I have been in Utah I was able to attend the Sundance film festival. Even though I went on a Monday night, and there wasn't that much happening, I thought it was pretty cool. I went with my roommate, who was volunteering there, and one of my good friends.

I saw a really CRAZY movie called Bellflower. It's hard to give a short synopsis of this movie, but I will do my best. Basically it's about a couple guys who like to sit around and think about how they would survive the Apocalypse. Eventually thought gives way to action, and they begin to build cool things like flamethrowers (you can see why I chose to watch this film, yes?). However, one of the guys falls in love with a girl, and she subsequently tears their world apart. And that is a very short, and inadequate synopsis. I do not recommend this movie. It was out of control and the story quickly descended into chaos. The cinematography tried too hard to be artistic, there were some really cool shots, but overall the style got old quickly (basically most of the shot blurry with only the main subject in focus. It was also really grainy (could have been 8mm film) which added a nice effect, but at times was distracting). There was also some sound issues, where a person speaking on one side of the screen sounded in the opposite speaker, which seems like a basic issue that should have been taken care of. The director shows talent, but hopefully his next project can be a little more. . .purposeful?

I saw one celebrity, Ed Helms, who acts in a few movies and TV shows.

And that's about it. I spent some time wandering around Park City, which seems like a pretty sweet place to live.

Anyway, it was fun, next year I'll have to spend more time there.

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