Sunday, June 08, 2008

Conspiracy Theory. . .

I'm not a person who looks for conspiracies behind everything that happens, but I do believe in the prophesies by prophets, both ancient and modern, that indicate that secret societies will cause great damage before the second coming of Christ.

Here are a few things that are causing me some concern. . .

I don't understand the continual increase in the price of oil. It really doesn't make any sense at all. I've been reading on the Internet about speculators and unrest in Nigeria? (not really sure which African country it really was) but whatever the case, these don't seem like sufficient reasons for the obscene cost of oil right now. Also, it's not like we have a shortage of oil or anything. I was talking to a guy who works in the oil industry, and he told me that there are more than 3,000,000,000,000 barrels of known, accessible, and develop able oil in the world right now. All the world's oil use, since the beginning of oil, is somewhere around 1,000,000,000,000. He also indicated that fossil fuels regenerate faster than previously thought and said that it was possible to re-tap old oil wells for more oil. But nobody is developing any of this oil. . . Go Green!

Speaking of which, this idea to mandate ethanol production seems like a stupid and blundering political move. Food costs are skyrocketing because of it. All of the sudden it is more expensive to feed cattle (my mom paid $6 a gallon for milk yesterday), there is more corn being produced (but it goes to ethanol). . . and less wheat and whatever else. And on top of that, I've heard that the cost of producing ethanol isn't even beneficial or significantly healthier for the environment. Dumb move. . .

Global Warming! Ahhh, we're all going to die, die, die. Catastrophe! Doom! The End of Life as We Know It! Blah, blah, blah. And we were all going to die for Y2K too, and whatever else. Alarmists are all over the place, and they suck, but they seem to have more power than they deserve. Sometimes, I wish to rend them asunder.

Errr, I thought I had more things to talk about, but I must of forgotten them. But I tell you, it seems like all this is more than just happenstance. It feels like there is someone in the background pulling strings, making things as bad as possible so that they can step in and become a "savior" or something. You know, somebody wants power and all. We've all read the stories where the bad guys try to get power; evil stepmothers, plotting kings/princes/dukes, greedy wizards, and dragons; those sort of people. Some people just want power. . . and organizations too. Anyway, I'm just rambling now, but there it is. Prophecy indicates stuff like this happening. . . why are we surprised, and why are we not prepared?


Analei said...

Yeah. Like I've been saying for years, let's develop ANWR! Then we won't have to rely on foreign countries for our oil and it would be cheaper than having to import it.

Ransom said...

Cringely had a word to say about oil prices this week:

Vae Gannon said...

Cringley might be onto something here. . . sourghum ethanol sounds promising.

Unknown said...

I did a report on why we should develop ANWR for my English class. It was really dumb cause I was reading all this opposing viewpoint stuff and they were like, "If we drill, the Porcupine Caribou herds habitat will be disturbed and they won't have anywhere to live." Seriously? Have they ever seen a map of Alaska? The area that was being scoped out for drilling was outrageously small compared to the size of Alaska. I'll find a we are...

ANWR is the size of South Carolina and the drilling area is a little teeny spot up on the barren, frozen coastal plain. Caribou don't live there anyways....Man, lame city dwellers that try to make decisions on things they don't know anything about...